Des Moines Repetitive Stress And Carpal Tunnel Injuries Lawyer

repetitive-overuseWhile they all take different forms, repetitive motion injuries are immensely common as far as job-related injuries are concerned. Tendon overuse can result in swelling or inflammation injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome and lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow).

The former results from wrist, finger and hand repetitive motion when the bone and ligament structure becomes inflamed or irritated. The result is extreme pain and tenderness around the structure that makes work immensely challenging or impossible.

Recovering Compensation Following Repetitive Stress Injuries And Occupational Disease

Tennis elbow, another immensely painful injury, occurs if the outer elbow becomes inflamed as a result of overuse or strain.

There is a great deal of misconceptions around these injuries; while workers’ compensation does cover injuries sustained solely on the job, it also covers these kinds of repetitive motion and continuous trauma injuries, even if they are aggravations of pre-existing conditions. Insurance companies may try to take advantage of this misconception when they attempt to deny benefits.

As such, it is important to partner with an experienced law firm if you are filing a workers’ compensation claim for a repetitive stress injury.

Our lawyer and team at Ballard Law Firm have worked on these issues for more than 20 years and are prepared to do everything to obtain the compensation you deserve. We will work directly with you to understand your unique circumstances and to build the strongest case possible. We urge you to get in touch.

To reach out and schedule a free initial consultation to discuss a personal or work injury call James Ballard at 515-221-2521 or Contact Us.